The Curriculum at Park Street

Learning and Fun

‘Making Connections’ is at the heart of our curriculum planning. The curriculum is structured so that it consists of a clear progression of learning in each subject, from the Foundation Stage to Year Six, with connections between topics. Due to the mobility of a large number of our students, we work to ensure that they are supported to develop the skills and opportunities to make connections themselves with their previous learning and experiences (which may have occurred in a variety of other contexts) and our curriculum. The richness of the knowledge and experience they bring from other cultures and countries, also gives us opportunities to encourage pupils who have been here longer, to make meaningful connections outwards. Without connection, there is little interest or curiosity, and curiosity always precedes meaningful and authentic learning. It is essential that we are giving all children the skills to make strong learning connections to help them to develop the thinking habits they need to succeed. When they move on, this also gives them the confidence and skills to connect effectively with learning presented to them in their new context.

Teachers’ planning will be guided by consideration and research in the programmes of study to ensure pupils’ engagement with knowledge and skills that the children perceive to be relevant and interesting to them. Topics are introduced by a ‘Big Question’, and where possible, an outside trip or stimulating launch experience. Making the most of opportunities offered by the local area to support learning and develop children’s ‘Cultural Capital’ is built into curriculum units as much as possible. Children also generate their own questions for exploration, as they start a new topic. The teacher’s planning, or ‘Learning Journey’ is then constructed to take account of the curriculum progression documents, children’s prior learning, opportunities for exploring and extending cultural experiences, and connecting with pupils’ individual questions.

Knowledge, opportunities and experiences are recorded in Displays of Work and pupils’ Exercise Books, which they use frequently to explain their learning and consequently embed this in their long-term memories. Furthermore, a ‘real’ outcome is planned whenever possible: for example, exhibition for parents, performance or theme day, to motivate pupils and give them further opportunities to share and demonstrate their learning.

Curriculum Aims

We aim to:

  • Ignite and propagate a love of learning in all pupils and help them to understand their progression in learning, make connections, develop resilience and take responsibility for their next steps
  • Equip pupils with the knowledge, ‘cultural capital’, skills, mindsets and qualities of character, which will help them to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and morally, helping them to develop the ability to choose and apply these in relevant situations
  • Ensure we meet the statutory entitlement of every pupil to a balanced provision of all subjects within the National Curriculum
  • Ensure all pupils achieve well in all aspects of the curriculum, making appropriate rates of personal progress so that they leave Park Street fully prepared for the next stage of their education
  • Encourage empowering partnerships between all learners in the school (pupils and staff)
  • Grow an ‘Inspirational Learning Community’ amongst both pupils and adults through the way the curriculum is developed, enhanced and celebrated


As a Church of England School, we value all of God’s children, and celebrate ‘life in all its fullness’, and our curriculum is available to all pupils

Thus, we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations in relation to age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, religion* and belief, and sexual orientation.

We also welcome our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 to promote community cohesion.


To enhance the curriculum we make extensive use of local resources such as the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Folk Museum, the Botanic Gardens, Jesus Green and the River Cam and, of course, the University and its colleges.

A range of visitors provide additional expertise and opportunities: performances by touring theatre groups, orchestral concerts, visiting science students and history days. Pupils influence some of the activities through representation on the School Council, in particular fund-raising events to support local and national charities.

We also hold Enrichment Days where the whole school immerses itself in a whole day focused on a specific subject area or theme. In line with our ethos, we aim to put the fun and enjoyment into our curriculum where the school is a hive of learning activity.

More information on the content of the national curriculum is available online at

Anyone seeking more information about the curriculum here at Park Street is welcome to contact the school office to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team and/or speak to their child’s class teacher.

Year One Curriculum

Children in Year 1 are taught in both Owl and Robin classes at Park Street. In Robin Class, the teaching style is more formal, whereas in Owl class, the EYFS principles are followed and some learning will be addressed through directed opportunities within continuous provision. In whichever class Year 1 children are taught, they have the same access to learning the National Curriculum. Children do not necessarily access the same topics at the same time but will be taught the same National Curriculum objectives over each year, often using a different context for learning, ensuring that children do not repeat the same topics in Reception and Year 2.

Our curriculum has been constructed with a lot of thought and care to ensure that all Year 1 children have equality of opportunity. At Park Street we encourage children to make connections within and between subjects; looking at some learning objectives through different contexts allows children to make more connections leading to deeper learning. Constructing long term memories requires revisiting learning; this is particularly important for SEND and EAL learners to ensure everyone has equal opportunities to develop the required knowledge but also challenges all pupils to think about their learning in new ways creating deeper learning. The Year One Curriculum (All Subjects) document above specifies where each National Curriculum objective is taught to each class during our two-year curriculum learning cycle.


“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader”

Margaret Fuller

Our curriculum >


We strive to ensure that all children will leave our school equipped with the skills to read easily, fluently and with good understanding in any subject.

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Religious Education

“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”

Proverbs 18:15

Our curriculum >


“Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”

Albert Einstein

Our curriculum >

The Sciences

“Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion.”

Stephen Hawking

Our curriculum >


“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment to improve the world.”

Anne Frank

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The Arts

“Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up.”

Pablo Picasso

Our curriculum >

Humanities & Languages

“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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