Welcome to the Park Street C of E Primary School website! You will find a great deal of information about our school here, including our curriculum, key dates and other information for parents. Please enjoy browsing!
After School Clubs
If you used this club last year, you will have been informed that the KidsRus club will be run from September by ‘Active Play Education’. We are hoping for a smooth transition as they will be operating on the same days (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) with some of the same staff. Here is their website:
Kinnerz will continue to run on Monday to Wednesday, starting on Monday 6th January and KPA Music Theatre will run on Wednesdays. To sign up for their after-school clubs; follow the link for details of After School Clubs. Art Club will continue to be run by ‘Little Makery’ on Thursdays (Y1-3 only) and Coding (for KS2) also continues on Fridays. Please contact the office to book this or if you require a place for your child at ‘Before School Club’.
The ‘Latest News‘ page of the website will continue to be updated at least every fortnight this term, as this has now replaced our newsletter. It is easy for you to find out about the children’s learning, as well as notices and information to keep you ‘up-to-date’. If you haven’t already, please take a look to see the photographs of activities taking place, and examples of the children’s work. Please also see the ‘Key Dates’ list for this term, attached to this page. You can view the website on a phone too, which is easier to check for updates. If you have any concerns or questions, please email office@parkstreet.cambs.sch.uk.
Best wishes,
Sarah Hawker
Key Dates
Key Upcoming Dates for the Spring and Summer Terms for Parents
September 2025 Admissions
Please contact our Office Administrator, Mrs Alison Sparrowhawk, if you would like to visit the school prior to applying for a place for September 2025. Please apply online on the Cambridgeshire Primary School Admissions Page by 15th January 2025
Interested in Park Street?
If you are interested in Park Street CofE School for your child, you can learn more about our school here.
Parents at Park Street
Emotional Well-being
Sources of support and advice for pupils and parents. Click to access.
June 2024 Park Street School Parents' Survey Results
A warm welcome to Park Street Church of England Primary School in the heart of Cambridge.
Park Street is a uniquely wonderful place for children to learn! With only 120 pupils, relationships are at the heart of the school, where every member of staff knows all our children and families well. Everybody feels part of our small ‘family’!
Personalised learning becomes possible and successful when children’s individual learning needs and interests are known well by their teachers. Children thrive through our encouraging, creative and ambitious approach, where the individuality and contribution of all is highly valued. The highly invested staff team are committed to seeing them grow to fulfil their potential, and develop a lifelong love of learning. For our global population of pupils, we provide a flexible, responsive curriculum, led by enthusiastic teachers attuned to satisfying children’s curiosity and inquiring minds. This approach has been validated by our children’s excellent results in their statutory assessments this year (2024), which can be found here (please click the link).
Our values are:
Honesty and Respect, Friendship and Kindness, Learning and Fun.
These are underpinned by our Christian Vision as a Church of England School, with strong links to the University Church of Great St Mary’s.
Whether you are new to the school, considering joining us, or have been a part of our community for years, we would love to share more of the life of Park Street with you here on our Latest School News section.
Sarah Hawker
Start & Finish Times
Please note that the start time is the same now for all classes – 8.45am. This is the time that children are expected to begin learning. Please don’t be late!
Owl Class & Robin Class
8.45am start – both classes enter through the black gate. This will be closed at 8.55am. If you arrive after this time, you will need to enter through Reception and your child will be marked as late.
3.15pm finish – Owl Class exit through gates in side lane and Robin Class exit through black gate
Weekly hours: 32.5Woodpecker Class & Eagle Class
8.45am start – both classes enter through the blue gates. These will be closed at 8.55am.If you arrive after this time, you will need to enter through Reception and your child will be marked as late.
3.20pm finish – both classes exit through the blue gates
Weekly Hours: 32.9
Clubs at Park Street
We have organised a number of clubs for our children. See the list of clubs here.
2024-2025 Dates
The term dates for the academic year beginning September 2024.