Our ‘Stars of the Week’ for this week are:

Owl Class: Lily – for listening well and putting her hand up to speak, on the carpet.

Robin Class: Edith – for challenging herself in her writing

Woodpecker Class: Freya – for making a really positive contribution to the Easter Service, singing beautifully!

Eagle Class: Franek – for enthusiasm and ingenuity in set and prop design, as well as performance, in the class musical

Our ‘Stars of the Term’ are:

Owl Class: Yaz – for showing resilience and quietly making excellent progress

Robin Class: Henry – for incredible determination and progress in phonics, reading and writing

Woodpecker Class: Teo – for always working hard and challenging himself

Eagle Class: Tess – for always working really hard to challenge herself so that she makes excellent progress in her learning

The Challenge Cup has been won this term by Danylo – for having a really positive attitude to his learning and for working hard to overcome difficulties

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