Dear Parents/Carers

We hope you are looking forward to coming to the Park Street CofE summer fair on Sat 25th June 2-4.30pm on Jesus Green.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Donations needed for:

  1. Tombola: Bottles for the adult tombola (e.g.bath foam, shower, alcohol, non-alcohol) and sweets/chocolate/toys for the kids tombola, no nuts please.

  2. Bric-a-brac: preloved but reusable books to trays, ornaments and toys.

  3. Bake sale: cakes, pies, muffins, tray bakes, quiches, cupcakes, biscuits. No nuts please. Email Rachel what you will make:  Drop offs for bake sale on fair day from 1.30 – 1.50pm if possible

  4. Performance area: share any singing, instrument or performance talent. If you want to secure a performance slot for your child email Stéphane: Sté

Donation drop-off points

School hall for your child to drop off on labelled table ‘bric-a-brac’ or Tombola. Any alcohol for tombola, adults to drop off at the school office please. Final day for tombola and bric-a-brac donations Friday 24th June.

Prospective Parents

Learn about life at our unique ‘village’ school situated at the heart of Cambridge.

With only 120 pupils, relationships are at the heart of the school, where every member of staff knows our children and families well.

View a video created by the school’s parents and children.