If your child is unwell or has an accident at school
If a child becomes ill or has an accident during the day, the school will contact parents immediately. Until parents are able to collect their child, a member of staff will care for them. Minor injuries are dealt with in school by staff members qualified in first aid.
Please make sure that we have up-to-date contact details for you and any other people authorised to collect your child.
If your child is not able to come to school
In the unfortunate case of a child’s illness or accident, a telephone call to the school as soon as possible is important. Click here for details of how to contact us.
A note to the class teacher is helpful:
- in advance, for medical, dental or other appointments
- to explain about illness when a child returns to school.
It is really important that you keep your sick children at home. We recognise the need to strike the right balance and not pander to excuses, but many throat infections, for example, are highly infectious and spread rapidly in the school. It disadvantages all the children if the adults in school are unnecessarily exposed to bugs which result in them having to take time off work.
When children have been vomiting or had diarrhoea they should not be sent to school until 48 hours after the last bout.
We do not administer medicines unless it is absolutely essential; that is, where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine were not administered during the school day. We are advised that where medicines need to be taken three times a day it could be taken in the morning,after school hours and at bedtime.
We only accept medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or pharmacist prescriber.
Medicines should always be provided in the original container with your child’s name on it, as dispensed by a pharmacist, and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration and dosage. These must be handed into the office for safe keeping and a medical consent form must be signed.