What does this cover?
- Social, emotional and behavioural needs
- Physical, sensory and medical needs
- Language and communication needs
- Learning and cognition
- Health and social care
What do we offer your child?
If you would like more information on our provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), please read our SEND Policy and Information Report on our Policies page. If you would like more information on Cambridgeshire County Council’s SEND provision, please follow this link to their website.
Pastoral Support
- Buddy system
- Strong relationships between home and school
- Staff who know ALL pupils well
Staff expertise
- Good or outstanding teaching
- Open and honest communication
- Clear criteria for success
- Regular feedback
- Curriculum adapted to learing needs
- Experienced teaching assistants
- Differentiated teaching
- 1-1 learning where necessary
- Small group work
- Interactive classroom display
- Visual timetables for class
- Dyslexia-friendly
- Teacher – pupil feedback
Partnership Agencies
- School Nursing Service
- Behaviour Support Service
- Specialist teaching team
- Speech and language therapist
- Educational psychologist
- Parent partnership service
- Locality team
Jargon Buster
- SENCo – Special educational needs coordinator
- TA – Teaching assitant
- EP – Eductional psychologist
- SALT – Speech and language therapist
- CAF – Common assessment framework
- TAC – Team around the child
- FSW – Family support worker
- EWO – Educational welfare officer
- STT – Specialist teaching team
- START – Statutory resources and assessment team