The children worked in their ‘Houses’ to explore the Parable of the Mustard Seed as a metaphor for how we work at Park Street. They had fun with the story using music, drama, art and collage, and with the seeds themselves! We spoke about the power of small things to grow and influence the world in so many ways. At the end of the day, the children made some interesting comments:

“Small things don’t seem much on their own, but together they can make something spectacular!”

“The quiet music made me think of the seed under the ground – as it got louder, it made me feel it was growing big.”

“The story made me think that small things can be strong”

“Our school is the tree, and we are the birds, safe, growing and learning, ready to take our knowledge and vision to spread in other places”

Seed Art




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Learn about life at our unique ‘village’ school situated at the heart of Cambridge.

With only 120 pupils, relationships are at the heart of the school, where every member of staff knows our children and families well.

View a video created by the school’s parents and children.