There has been some wonderfully creative learning happening at Park Street this week!

Owl Class have been busy making owls, and learning to tell the story ‘Owl Babies’.  Flamingo Class performed the Creation Story brilliantly for Owl Class in Collective Worship.  Sadly, this has had to take place in the hall with only two classes

A visitor came from the Fitzwilliam museum, to talk with Woodpecker Class about Ancient Greece and their statues.  Eagle Class have been busy creating Egyptian clay artefacts, self-portraits and learning about science and religion.  Of course, we have still found time for English and Maths!  I hope you enjoy the photographs!

Stars of the Week are:

Owl Class: Rowan – for recognising all the numbers up to twenty
Flamingo Class: Kaci – for being courageous and helping others to be brave too
Woodpecker Class: Zhoobin – for focussing well and improving his presentation
Eagle Class: Max – for persevering when editing his writing.

Best wishes,

Sarah Hawker

2nd October 2020