If you are wondering what your child is learning about, as well as asking them to tell you about their learning, there are many ways that the school helps you to find this out. To begin with, a class newsletter is e-mailed out at the start of every term, explaining what the class will be studying. This is also posted on Microsoft Teams. In Robin, Woodpecker and Eagle classes, all the class learning is posted on Teams every week, so should your child need to be absent for any reason, (of if you would just like to see) you can access what the class is learning. Your child will have a Teams login in their reading record or homework diary. If you are unable to find this, please contact the office and it will be sent to you.

For Years 1 to 6, we also use a system called ‘Learning Ladders’ for assessment, to which, as parents, you also have access. I have sent out emails again today with joining details. Please check your spam for this. It may be called ‘Ladders at Home’. When you join, you can see the areas the teachers are targeting at present for assessment of your child’s learning. If you have not received a joining invitation, please let the office know, and we will make sure you are added to the system.

For the Reception children, we use a system called ‘Tapestry’. I know that most of the Reception parents have logged on to this. You can see pictures of the children’s learning in school, and can add comments and pictures yourselves, of what the children are doing at home!

Please do not hesitate to contact me, through the office email, if you would like to know more about any of these systems, or would like any more information about what your child is learning about.