Our Christingle Service was held at Great St Mary’s church on Tuesday. It was very moving to hear the children sing so beautifully, and to read some poetry and bible excerpts to remind us of the Christmas story, and of the symbolism of the Christingle orange.
This term, Woodpecker and Eagle class have learned about the Ancient Gods of Greece and Egypt. They have found out that these Gods kept their distance and demanded veneration and sacrifices from the people of the time. This poem by Malcolm Guite, read in the service, contrasts them with Jesus, who Christians celebrate coming down amongst us at Christmas time
They sought to soar into the skies
Those classic gods of high renown
For lofty pride aspires to rise
But you came down
You dropped down from the mountains sheer
Forsook the eagle for the dove
The other Gods demanded fear
But you gave love
Where chiselled marble seemed to freeze
Their abstract and perfected form
Compassion brought you to your knees
Your blood was warm
They called for blood in sacrifice
Their victims on an altar bled
When no one else could pay the price
You died instead
They towered above our mortal plain,
Dismissed this restless flesh with scorn,
Aloof from birth and death and pain,
But you were born.
Born to these burdens, borne by all
Born with us all ‘astride the grave’
Weak, to be with us when we fall,
And strong to save.