Sadly, attendance this week is suffering from a recurrence of Covid-19 that we are experiencing at present. Please test your children if they are showing any symptoms! We have been informed by several parents that these can be very similar to hay-fever.

Attendance for the week ending 24th June was good in three out of four classes. Especially well done to Eagles and Owls!:

Owls: 98.5%

Robins: 96.4%

Woodpeckers: 91.5%

Eagles: 98.7%

All children should be in school at least 95% of the time, in normal circumstances. As you know, pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit fully from their education.  Missing out on lessons leaves children very vulnerable to falling behind.  Please do not book holidays in term time, and let the office know if your child will be absent for any reason.