A Busy Week at Park Street

Despite the weather and Covid-19, we have been making the best of the situation at Park Street.  Eagle Class even managed to go out on a trip this week! They were lucky enough to have a walking tour of Cambridge by Honor Ridout.  They came back having learned some new facts about their City. Please have a look at the photographs.

Flamingos have been learning to draw faces, using photographs from the past. Tobias drew this wonderful picture of Mrs Clipsham, using a photograph of her as a little girl.

Mrs Clipsham is also in the news for having received the ‘Staff member of the week’ award. This is for helping with learning and signing club, awarding the ‘Golden Dustpan and Brush’, decorating the playground with wonderful welly flower pots, as well as doing all the cleaning! We are all very grateful to her.  Also have a look at the photographs of the wellies!

Please also see the video below of signing club preparing for Christmas.

As a school we seek to be child-led. When the Governing Body asked the pupils across the entire school to discuss what our core values are, this is what they said: