Year 6 enjoyed a lovely breakfast before their tests this week (see above)!
Now that Year 6 SATs are over, we are getting ready for the next assessments! Here are the ones your child may be involved in this term:
Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics Check
This is for all Year 1 children, and for the Year 2 children who did not pass last year. It will be taking place during the week beginning Monday 10th June. Mrs Johnson will be testing the children.
If you would like more information about this, you can find it here:
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
This is for all Year 4 children. It will be taking place during the two weeks beginning Monday 3rd June. Children need to know all their tables up to 12×12, and input the answers on a chromebook. There are 25 questions and children have only 6 seconds to input the correct answer. They have been doing plenty of practice in school – but you can always help by testing them at home too! If you would like more information about this, the official government brochure is here:
And there is more information here:
There are not any statutory assessments for Year 2 children this year, as these have been withdrawn. The children will be taking some assessment tests, but these will just be used to inform teachers of their progress and attainment, ready for their transition to Key Stage Two.