Some of you may have heard the lovely news from your children that Mrs Macdonald is expecting a baby in September. Consequently she will be going on maternity leave at the end of the academic year. Christina List, who has been working this year in Eagle and Woodpecker Class, will be taking over Owl Class in September. June Stevenson is returning from her maternity leave over this term, so we will be able to give Christina some time in preparation to learn about Early Years at Park Street.
As Alison Sparrowhawk has now taken up the post of Office Administrator, we have made some other changes in Owl Class. Madeline Kingsford is now the Higher Level Teaching Assistant in that class, and Mrs Kinga Viszmeg-Martin has been appointed to work three days per week, Monday to Wednesday. We also have a Teaching Assistant from a supply agency, Ms Namrata Brahmbhatt, working in the class on Thursdays and Fridays at present.
Finally, Mrs Kristin Cardenas, who worked with us as Eagle Class teacher last year, is returning to Cambridge from America in August. We have re-appointed her to take over from Miss Roberts as teacher of Robin Class in September.