I know that I always say it has been a busy week at Park Street, but I think we were going for a record this week!  Please have a look at the photographs, showing the children really making the most of all the opportunities!  The photo above is of our Stars of the Week.

We started the week with a visit from ‘Ernest Shackleton’, who told Flamingo class all about his amazing exploits in Antarctica, and his ship ‘The Endurance’.  Having met him, they were really inspired to write their own diaries about this excruciatingly difficult expedition.

Eagle Class have had four very successful days of Bikeability training this week, and all emerged with certificates at the end.  They all learned a great deal about negotiating junctions safely, and cycling with confidence. What a great life skill!

Between the Bikeability sessions, they had a visit from Tania Clarke, a PhD student at Cambridge University who is researching children’s well-being following the pandemic.  She supported them with various activities to help them, including working in a group to compile an ‘Advice Box’ for other children, who might need help with their well-being.  These are being dispersed to the other classes too, so that all can benefit from them.

Back to Flamingos, who were learning about Scotland this week.  Trish Clipsham brought in some haggis for them to taste, which was very popular!  Apparently, it went very well with the shortbread and ‘Irn Brew’ from Mrs Orrock.

We finished off with Collective Worship on Jesus Green; wonderful to get the whole school together again, and to celebrate our exciting week!

Have a great weekend.

Sarah Hawker