Dear Parents and Carers,

A very Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you all had a very good holiday. In Collective Worship this week, we have been thinking about our friends and family who are overseas, and keeping them in our thoughts and prayers. Many children have told me that they had an opportunity to visit people important to them at Christmas, after a long time separation. We are putting together a display in the hall to help the children to keep them in mind, even when they are separated from us by distance.

After a short ‘fire-break’ provided by the holiday, we seem to be getting a few Covid cases again. These are confined to Robin class at present; we are keeping classes as separate as possible when they are inside. Every class has a carbon-dioxide monitor and windows and doors are always kept open. We continue to ensure children wash their hands very regularly throughout the day. Please continue to be vigilant about symptoms and keep testing! I know there have been problems with availability of LFTs – I have been informed that if you try online first thing in the morning, there are usually some available for order.

Woodpecker Class have been completing a Design Technology project this week – they have designed and made some amazing torches! Please take a look at the photographs.

Have a good weekend,

Best wishes,
