Dear Parents and Carers,

Well, it has been a difficult few weeks, hasn’t it? I am really hoping that, as I am sure you are, that there is less illness around after we have all had a holiday. Thank you all so much for doing all that you can to abide by the measures suggested, particularly in taking regular lateral flow tests yourselves and booking PCR tests for your children whenever you think they might have been a close contact of a positive case. I know this is an inconvenience, but it is the best defence we have now against spreading the virus further. Just to reiterate, as I know some parents were not aware of this, the whole testing process is free of charge, unless you are doing this to go abroad for a holiday. Please also make sure that you and all your family who are eligible take up the offer of the vaccines and boosters. These are certainly keeping us as safe as possible. I will also be having my flu jab over half-term!

Despite all these difficulties, you can see from my other posts outlining the childrens’ activities and achievements, that learning continues as usual at Park Street! The children are incredibly resilient, and clearly thoroughly enjoy being in school. Please look at the photographs and try to find time to watch the Harvest video, which is posted on your child’s class Teams account. Please remember, that should your child be absent from school, all their learning for that week is posted on here, so that if they are well enough, they are able to keep up to some degree with what is happening in their class at school.

Next half-term, we are hoping to confirm our arrangements to use Jesus College grounds for some Outdoor Learning and Sport activities, which should really benefit the children. The Master and Domestic Bursar have generously agreed to this – we have a meeting in November to organise who will be doing what, when!

It only remains for me to wish you a very happy half-term holiday. I hope you are able to enjoy some rest!

Very best wishes,
