Dear Parents and Carers,

What a wonderful week we have had in and out of Park Street this week! All classes have had a selection of fabulous trips and activities, which have been so worthwhile for all the children. We all have collections of many, many photographs, which will be appearing on this site in the next few days – please keep checking! I think the favourite activities so far have been Forest School and den building in Wandlebury for Robin Class, and robotics workshops for Eagles and Woodpeckers.

The PTA very kindly paid for all the children to have ice-creams from Jack’s Gelato, on Jesus Green, on Wednesday. This was a lovely event enjoyed by everybody. Please see the photograph above. Thank you so much PTA!

Your children’s reports should be emailed out to you today. If you need to ask any questions, or wish to discuss the report, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. As I say in the covering letter, I really enjoyed reading them all. I am so proud of all of the children – they have all shown remarkable resilience over this challenging period, and achieved so well, despite the interruptions. Well done, all of you!

Best wishes,
