Dear Parents and Carers,

We were overjoyed to welcome the Key Stage Two children back to school on Monday, after their week of home-learning. They have been very busy this week, completing their assessments.

We are all looking forward to the fun activities planned for next week in our ‘Enrichment Week’. Please make sure that you know what your children are doing each day, and what they need. We are all crossing our fingers for good weather, but it looks as if waterproof coats might be needed rather than sun hats!

Owl Class enjoyed their trip to Orchard Yurt yesterday – please see the photographs, and those of Victoria Goodman’s visit to the classes.

It was very sad to say good-bye to Mrs Cardenas on Wednesday. We hope she will keep in touch, and maybe set up a link with a school in Minnesota. Fortunately, we have also been able to welcome Mr Sharpe who has made a great start teaching Eagles and Woodpeckers today.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Best wishes,

Sarah Hawker