It was wonderful to be able to gather together for Collective Worship on Jesus Green, on the last day of Term. As well as presenting the ‘Star’ awards, we said ‘goodbye’ to Mrs Orrock, Mrs Davison and Can from Kinnerz, who have all helped us so much over this past year especially, but also, of course, in previous years (in Janet’s case, twelve years!).
To finish, Everybody joined in with a favourite Park Street song: Spring Chicken!
Stars of the Week:
Owl Class: Teo, Saskia and Rowan – for fantastic learning in Owl Class
Robin Class: Kaci – for improving her writing Woodpecker Class:
Haruki – for amazing singing at the Leavers’ Service
Eagle Class: Hanna – for improving her writing
Stars of the Term
Owl Class – Isabella – for being an amazing learner
Robin Class – Jacob – for a fantastic improvement in completing tasks
Woodpecker Class – Josselin – for overcoming the challenges of learning English very quickly, and becoming a part of Park Street!
Eagle Class – All of Year Six – for showing the values of Park Street in all they do, particularly in supporting each other!
Challenge Cup Winner: Rosa Hardinge