Inspiration and Learning

The Key Stage Two children have completed some wonderful learning in RE this week.  Woodpecker Class have been learning about Pentecost, which has inspired  paintings and poetry on this theme. Eagle Class were learning about ‘Hope’; they have painted pictures about how they feel about this, and are also writing some ‘Psalms of lament’.  I will post the psalms next week, as they are not quite finished yet.  Meanwhile, please enjoy the fantastic paintings!


Stars of the Week ending 12 March
Owl Class:
Sasha for settling in well at Park Street
Lara for concentrating and working hard all week
Rosie for trying her very best during home-schooling
Flamingo Class:
Leon for being really focussed on his learning all week
Izzy for returning to school in a positive and happy manner
Woodpecker Class:
Hattie for enormous effort in persuasive writing
Ted for trying his very best during home-schooling
Eagle Class:
Bradley for settling in well and being confident to contribute in class discussions

Stars of the Week ending 19 March
Owl Class:
Sissi—for persevering in her writing tasks and working independently
Flamingo Class:
Nikolas—for working hard and making good progress over the past few weeks back in school
Woodpecker Class:
William—for a positive attitude to learning and making friends
Eagle Class:
Daniel Jameson—for working hard to catch up with his learning after a day out of school

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sarah Hawker
19 March 2021

As a school we seek to be child-led. When the Governing Body asked the pupils across the entire school to discuss what our core values are, this is what they said: