Stars of the Week

Stars of the Week

Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are: Owl Class:  Ange – for trying really hard in phonics and reading, and finding her voice! Robin Class: Daria  – for improved focus and pace during independent work                         : All Year Twos...
Eagle Class – Big Schools’ Birdwatch

Eagle Class – Big Schools’ Birdwatch

As part of their outdoor learning, Eagle Class took part in the RSPB ‘Big Schools’ Birdwatch’ this week. They really enjoyed getting out of school and looking for as many...
Stars of the Week

Stars of the Week

Our ‘Stars of the Week’ for the week ending 10th January are: Owl Class:  Ibrahim –  for starting to join in with class activities with the other children Robin Class:  Mungo –  for excellent independent writing and super detail about the...
Owl Class Astronomer Visit

Owl Class Astronomer Visit

Owl Class had a fascinating visit yesterday from Matt Bothwell, who is an astronomer at the University Astronomy Department. The children were astounding in the knowledge they already have about our solar system, and really motivated to find out more about space! They...