Art, Nature and Air Balloons

There has been a great deal of art going on in the classrooms and at home this week. Woodpeckers are using watercolour paints to paint rainforest wildlife, and Eagles are also using watercolours to paint landscapes of Jesus Green, following their sketching outdoors last week. As inspiration for their work in Art and English, Flamingo Class have been using the book ‘Flight for Freedom’, about a family’s escape from East Germany in a hot air balloon. The children in school are making hot air balloons from papier-mache.

Some children from Eagle Class helped me with Collective Worship this week, by recording a play about ‘Perseverance’.

Stars of the Week ending 5th February
Owl Class:
for making a great effort to read and write independently in her on-line sessions
Ila for her good sounding out in reading
Flamingo Class:
for helping at home
Natalia for persevering in on-line learning and being very helpful at home
Tobias for doing a great job trying his best with his assignments
Xander and Kiirrili for rising to the challenge of joining Flamingo class
Woodpecker Class:
for working without complaint to independently and conscientiously complete all his work
Hattie for engaging in on-line learning
Louie for enthusiasm in topic lessons
Eagle Class:
Harrison for engaging in on-line learning
Hari for taking the initiative to be helpful in class
Max for helping at home
Ben for being kind
Anatole for helping Lucien with his work at home

Finally, there is a lovely Midday Prayer Service by our pupils hosted by Great St Mary’s Church which can be viewed here.  

Best wishes

Sarah Hawker
5 February 2021

As a school we seek to be child-led. When the Governing Body asked the pupils across the entire school to discuss what our core values are, this is what they said: